Saturday, September 26, 2009

Getting Involved :)

It's really easy to get involved with YL in the QC. I know that many of you who have read my past blogs are saying that YL sounds like a good time, so maybe you should give it a try! Like I said, it's easy to get involved! First of all, whether you know me or not, just come up and ask about YL. It's at 8:08 every Monday night at The Life Center on 41st st. (I know that is a wierd time and I can't tell you why it starts then..)YL is the type of place that any high school student can go and fit in. Don't be shy to show up there. Noone will give you a dirty look and the leaders are very welcoming people. They like to make a fool of themselves at club so don't feel awkward if they come up to you and are acting crazy. All you, as a high school student, need to do is show up. This isn't just my advice. This web page starts off by saying that's the #1 way to get involved. It's ok to just show up to YL. Bring a friend, or better yet, a BUNCH of friends with you. Young Life is ten times more fun when there are a lot of people there! It's always fun when a new group of friends joins YL.
I suggest that any high schooler come and try it out. You don't have to go back if you absolutely don't like it. Being involved has great benefits, though. I have made so many close friends, and this includes leaders. Did I already mention camp? YL camps are the best!! There's another reason right there to go to YL. Also, don't let the religious aspect of Young Life hold you back from going. At club, religion is laid back, easy to understand, and not forced at you. I hope to see new faces at Young Life this year!! :)


  1. Hey britta! ok well good subject. It kind of seems like you put the word "you" in there a lot. Are we aloud to do that? hmm anyways I feel like the whole YL camp could be another topic because you made this topic "getting involved" so try to stick on the subject, but nice job!

  2. I liked hearing that you can go and just fit in. That would probably make more people want to join knowing it wouldnt be awkward. I want to know what you do on Monday nights at 8:08. Like activities or group talks.

  3. Hey Britta I like where your'e going with this :) It's nice to know that you can feel comfortable and welcomed at YL. Keep up the good work, Sport!
