Monday, October 12, 2009


Based off of Carly's comment on my last post, I think some people are confused about what exactly a typical YL club is all about. She sounded a little confused about what happens at 8:08. That's when club officially starts, which is a random time, but usually kids hangout a little before. Arriving at 8, or earlier, is a good time to show up because everyone is waiting outside the club room doors. When the music turns on, or the leaders burst open the doors at 8:08, everyone piles into the club room. Each club has a different theme that games revolve around. This also means the leaders, and sometimes kids, are dressed the part. If you check out this site, you will see different club games and all the planning that goes into a club, the themes, and activities. Right after everyone enters club, the leaders will explain a game the whole group can play, since kids tend to arrive late. After club has gotten started, the leaders do small skits and introduce the "mixers." These are quick games which usually involve just a few people who volunteer to go up on stage. Be prepared to chug a liter of pop, eat something gross, get a pie in the face, or challenge someone in a hard core game if you volunteer! After some fun, there's got to be some singing! If your vocal chords are a little rusty, it doesn't matter at YL. Being out of tune is the way to go. Once things settle down, a leader goes on stage and shares a story from the Bible and sometimes a funny story to go along with it. The message is never boring because it's pretty brief and easy to relate to. After that, club is over and everyone either lingers around or makes a mad dash to Whiteys. YL usually gets over at around 9:15 or so. (Incase you have an early bed time and wanted to know.)
So theres a more detailed description of club! :)


  1. Yeah 8:08pm is a really weird time to start club, but you put a lot things we would do at club which is good. Maybe you could go into some detail of some of the themes they've done or what types of gross food. Also, do they only sing "godly" or do they get into music we might listen to? :) Goodjob!

  2. I agree with that 8:08 is a random time to start. Its great that there is something like YL for people it sounds like a lot of fun but how do you actually now what the theme is before the actual thing is do they tell you when you get there or do they have it planned before hand?

  3. Thanks Britta for clearing that up. It sounds like a lot of fun. I like the random times, and it's perfect for my bed time. lol. I would really like to go on a night where people sing. Hopefully I can make it sometime :)
