Sunday, September 13, 2009


Young Life has many options for involvement. An adult can become a leader and part of the YL staff. A middle school student can start Wyldlife in 7th grade. A high school student can get involved with Young Life. A teen with a disability can go to Capernaum club. Young Life also has camps all over the country! After starting Wyldlife in 8th grade and staying involved with YL all through high school, I decided to become a Jr. leader last year. Now, I could choose to either be a Wyldlife or Capernaum leader, and I stuck with Capernaum. I knew it would be an experience that was something very different from what I was used to. I'm really glad I chose it, too. I get to plan the club themes and activities and run the games. I've built close relationships with many of the kids and have learned that teens with disabilities are just like us. (They just really want to be accepted and it's easier to do than you would think.) Capernaum clubs are held on Thursdays at my school and I look forward to them just as much as YL on Mondays! It requires time and commitment but it's worth it. A site about Capernaum states that "Capernaum clubs give kids and young adults with disabilities a chance to get out and have fun with peers and leaders." The site not only gives info about clubs and being a leader, but it also briefly tells about Capernaum camp. In later blogs, ill share my experiences with going to camp as a leader!


  1. Britta, thats cool how you are a leader at the Capernaum club. I didn't know there was diffrent names to Young Life. Thas great how diffrent stages of young adults get together to make the Young Life family. I bet you enjoy it so much, I know i would. I would love to read about your experiences of you as a camp leader. Goodluck!

  2. A few logistical issues: can you give each post a title? Make sure your link works.

  3. Britta I think its awsome how you are so invovled in young life and being a leader! I did'nt know that the wildlife was a part of young life but for the younger kids. well good luck!
